Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gender Fluidity and Why My Gender Is More than Just Male or Female

These next few blog posts I want to take topics that are supposedly controversial and challenge your minds. I want to show you the way I think and perhaps you could learn something from these posts to apply to your own pattern of thinking.

Alright, my first topic; Gender Fluidity and Why My Gender Is More than Just Male or Female. I would like to start by pointing out the difference between gender and sex. Sex is the biological sex you were born with. So then in my case, I was born a female, so my sex is female. Gender is the sex you really are or that you develop into. It could be in your mind, you could change surgically, or you just continued developing as a female. That's the way I see it. Now, here is where I would like to challenge you, male and female aren't the only genders you could identity as, and they are the least common genders out there.  When you think "male and female" the thoughts are usually just black and white. This is for boys, this is for girls. Boys do this, and girls do that. Right? It's not our fault, we were just raised to think that way generations back.  But as you can see, times aren't like that anymore and times are constantly changing. Back then, heels and the color pink (things that now are exclusively associated with females) used to be things that were only associated with men as a sense of respect, power, and well masculinity. Wow have times changed, now it's pretty uncommon to see a man in heels hmm? That's my point though, the definition of male and female-and the expectations that come with those genders just keep changing with time. It's impossible to keep up!

Does this mean everyone is gender fluid? Not exactly. It's possible to identify as a man and have feminine traits. Just like it's possible to identify as a woman with masculine traits. In a way everyone is a little gender fluid but still identifies as one gender. Does that make sense? It's possible to be both, with only identifying as one.  There's no need to try and fit the mold of "male"and "female" in order to identify as either.

Why I'm gender fluid and why it's more than just male or female.
Alright, I'm going to start off with this one by saying, ever since I was little I remember getting along better with guys, and constantly wishing I could really be one of them. It wasn't that they excluded me, it's just that I felt different being around them and being a girl. As I got older, I began to get along better with girls and pushed those feelings aside, like I did with most of my personality that I felt never fit my mold. So I acted more like a girl, tried to be one of them. It worked for the most part, but I still felt different. I constantly compare myself to other girls and women, and I never see myself in them. I compare myself to other boys and men, I don't see myself in them either. This was pretty difficult because I wasn't sure what I was and what I wanted. Eventually, I came across cosplay andI realized that I could be more than just a girl or boy. I could cosplay whoever I wanted, what ever gender I wanted. I constantly find myself as guy characters mostly because I don't think I'm pretty enough to cosplay a girl or our personalities don't match. So I stick with guys (even if I make a horrible looking guy as well). This is also a good outlet for when I just feel like a boy, I can be one without getting frowned upon because it's "just a costume". I'm still very confused with my own gender, but I have come to realize I don't care. I can be both or I can be neither if I want to. In my opinion, that's the beauty of gender fluidity.

So I hope this challenged your mind a bit on the topic and I hoped you learned a little bit about me. I have been considering writing this topic for awhile now but I finally worked up the courage to write it.

Check out these links to challenge your mind further and get EVEN MORE info on this topic:

Sam Killermann from explains it a lot better than I ever could so check it out!

Have any opinions on the topic you'd like to share? Let me know, I would love to hear how other people see this topic. (Just don't write anything hateful or bash on anyone else.)

1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing person. Just be yourself and don't change for anyone. Love you girl. :)
